Our AIA approved presentation will describe our concrete hardening solution with four learning objectives. Wear resistance is required to provide abrasion and erosion protection in order to prolong the service life of concrete. An integral hardening admixture is critical for a functional, superior and long-lasting structure. This educational unit examines exactly how concrete hardening technologies work, differing features and benefits, so the best abrasion and erosion resistant methods can be specified for each project. A fully interactive and eye-opening session.
1. The Problem: Wear created by abrasion and erosion
2. Traditional methods of reducing concrete wear
caused by abrasion and erosion
3. The Solution: Integral Hardening Admixture
4. Applications & Case Studies
Provider: Kryton International Inc.
Provider Number: 40107274
Program Number: AIAKRY7275
Length: One hour
Credits: 1 Learning Unit (LU)
Credits: 1 Health, Safety, Wellness (HSW)
To receive CES & HSW Credits online (AIA Accredited) for Integral Hardening Admixtures
Helping Build Durable Structures that Last
Our AIA CES approved presentation will describe our crystalline technology with four learning objectives. In the project section, we will discuss various case studies in an array of challenging environments – we will review the initial questions we ask to troubleshoot and take you from the first concrete pour, through each appropriate Kryton system, hitting joints, penetrations, and cracks, to ensure the structure is warranted watertight and leak-free. A fully interactive and eye-opening session.
Course Description:
Few building materials offer the strength and versatility of concrete, which has been used for centuries. Waterproofing is absolutely critical for a functional, superior and long-lasting structure. This educational unit examines exactly how waterproofing works, and how it doesn’t, so the best waterproofing method can be specified for each project.
1. Discuss why concrete needs to be waterproofed
2. List the common methods of waterproofing concrete
and their limitations
3. Describe the use of integral crystalline waterproofing
and the science behind it
4. Identify case studies where crystalline technology
solved waterproofing issue
Provider: Kryton International Inc.
Provider Number: 40107274
Program Number: AIAKRY7274
Length: One hour
Credits: 1 Learning Unit (LU)
Krystol Technology will last the life of the concrete, growing stronger over time. KIM and other Krystol concrete waterproofing products contribute to the overall durability and life expectancy of a building by stopping corrosion, increasing freeze/thaw durability, and protecting against chemical attack, carbonation and other detrimental effects.
To receive CES & HSW Credits online (AIA Accredited) Crystalline Concrete Waterproofing and Repair Systems
This webinar will help you determine the best way to waterproof your project – reducing risk, saving time and money. Why does concrete need to be waterproofed? What are traditional methods and their limitations? How is Kryton’s KIM different from other crystalline products and what makes it Smart Concrete? Where has KIM helped overcome challenges in the construction industry?
This webinar will identify long-term cost impacts of abrasion and erosion on concrete infrastructure, review concrete hardening options and assess the best solutions based on applicability.
Should you have any questions or feedback about our courses, please contact us directly.
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